How does this work?
We've built a solution that will help Farmers maximize their productivity and output every harvest by providing the most important resource every Farmer needs - Farmland Real Estate. Landowners that own Farmlands that laying unutilized benefits from this solution simply by enrolling on the platform and making their farmlands available in a virtual market. The whole process entails four simple steps
First, you will need to create an account on Farmlord either as Farmer or Landowner. As a Landowner, you can profile your pieces of farmlands on the platform which automatically becomes available on a virtual market. After registering as a Farmer, you may go on the virtual market and view land that interests you.
When you find an interesting Farmland that meets your need on the "farmland market", you will simply send a request with just one click! The Landowner will immediately get a "farmland request" notification on their dashboard, prompting them of a Farmer's interest on their listed property on the "farmland market"
As soon as a Landowner receives a request to rent or lease their farmland, they will review and accept the request if it meets their preference or decline accordingly. All of these processes should take a few minutes to complete a transaction end to end between a Landowner and the corresponding requesting Farmer.
After the Landowner has accepted the land request sent by a Farmer, the Farmer get a notification on their dashboard to make secure payment for a right occupy or lease the farmland as agreed in the terms between Farmer and the Land owner. We've made sure to integrated to a trusted and secure payment service.